Agenda - 16 March 2021
Lebanon Media Development Assistance Efforts Coordination Meeting - March 16, 2021 - Media Sustainability.
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Lebanon Media Development Assistance Efforts Coordination Meeting - March 16, 2021 - Media Sustainability.
Last updated
To map and share information between journalism support and media development actors around their plans for media development and recovery activities and efforts in Lebanon.
The focus of this, the second coordination meeting, is media sustainability and viability.
Coordination meetings: The first meeting was held on October 26th 2020 gathering over 35 media development actors with experience of working in Lebanon and implementing recovery assistance programs in the explosion aftermath.
October 2020Mapping: To support ongoing coordination GFMD compiled a spreadsheet that lists the organisations invited to participate in the information-sharing initiative, which provides a background for each organisation, an overview of their projects in the MENA region, and outlines their Lebanon recovery efforts.
To access the information sheet mapping media assistance in Lebanon click on the link below and request access. Please note that access will only be granted to donors and those working on media development in Lebanon.
Date: 16th March 2021
Time: 16:00 – 17:30 (Beirut, Lebanon time - UTC+3) | 15:00 – 16:30 (Brussels, Belgium time - UTC+2)
Moderator: Preethi Nallu, Advocacy Specialist at International Media Support (IMS)
Michael Irving Jensen, International Media Support (IMS)
Mira Milosevic, Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
Ayman Mhanna, SKeyes Centre
Ayman Mhanna, SKeyes Centre
Presenter and moderator:
Ivana Bjelic Vucinic, Global Forum for Media Development (GFMD)
Recommended reading:
REPORT - Sustainability & journalism support in LebanonSpeakers:
Ayman Mhanna, SKeyes Centre
Yousef Ahmed, CFI
Edward Pittman, The Open Society Foundations
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